Computing vision modules: face detector, motion
detector, gesture recognizer... These modules perceive visual events in the
environment and update AMICO variables with detected events.
Module | How to run (from AMICO root; this root is also used in AMICO process runner). | Description |
Camera based face detector
Currently only a Windows version is available
in a binary form. %AMICO_HOME%/modules/vision/face-detection/facedetection.exe --cascade=<cascade> <camera-number> Example cascade parameter (camera number is zero-indexed, e.g. first camera in the system has an number 0): %AMICO_HOME%/modules/vision/face-detection/facedetection.exe --cascade="modules/amico-modules/computer-vision/face-detection/haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml" 0 |
Detect faces in a visual field of camera. Sends a string with number of detected faces and coordinates for each detected face. C++ program based on the OpenCV library. Always updates variable "faces-detection" through AMICO UDP interface. |
Camera based movement detector
Currently only Windows version is available
in a binary form. %AMICO_HOME%/modules/vision/movement/opencv-movement.exe <camera-id> |
Detect motion in a visual field of camera. Sends a value that roughly represents the dynamic of the scene (based on difference between current and previous images). C++ program based on the OpenCV library. Always updates variable "movement-activity" through AMICO UDP interface. |
Gesture (HandVu)
java -jar
%AMICO_HOME%/modules/vision/gesture-handvu-adapter/sensors-gesture-handvu-adapter.jar (Note: you must also run the HandVu server) |
Hand gesture recognition based on HandVu library. Sends recognized gesture, with position and angle. |