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AMICO: Documentation / AMICO Modules / XML Processor


Some of the variables in communicator can contain XML or HTML encoded text, or links to such documents. XML Processor derives new variables from such variables using XPath expressions or XSL transformations. In this way also call and process the response of REST Web services.

How To Run

     java -jar %AMICO_HOME%/bin/amico-xml-processor.jar [<xml-variable>] [<xml-variable-type>] [<status-variable>] [<xml-adapter-url>] [<host>] [<port>]


    java -jar %AMICO_HOME%/bin/amico-xml-processor.jar

    java -jar %AMICO_HOME%/bin/amico-xml-processor.jar xml-link xml-url status

    java -jar %AMICO_HOME%/bin/amico-xml-processor.jar html-link html-url status localhost 3320




Parameter Description Legal values
<xml-variable> Name of the that contains XML/HTML encoded string or an URL to such document. An optional argument. If omitted the default value is "xml-data". AMICO variable name. Cannot contain empty space.
<xml-variable-type> Type of xml-variable. An optional argument. If omitted the default value is "html-url". Legal values are "html-url" (xml-variable contains a URL to HTML page; the modules will internally convert the HTML to XHTML to enable usage of XML adapters),  "xml-url" (xml-variable contains a URL to XML file),  "html-string" (xml-variable contains a HTML encoded content),  "xml-string" (xml-variable contains a XML encoded content)
<status-variable> A name of the AMICO variable that will be updated with the status of the processor ("running" or "ready"). An optional argument. If omitted the default value is "xml-processor-status". AMICO variable name. Cannot contain empty space.
<xml-adapter-url> A URL to  an XML adapter configuration file. An optional argument. If omitted the default value is "file:<current-directory>/conf/xml-adapter/config.xml". Any URL.
<host> AMICO Communicator host. Optional arguments. If omitted default settings will be used. Any legal host address. For example "localhost" or "".
<port> AMICO Communicator TCP port. Optional arguments. If omitted default settings will be used. Integer. For example, 3320.



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